Mouse Speed and Acceleration Test

Get the speed and acceleration values of your mouse cursor.

0 px/s
Max speed:
0 px/s
Max negative Acceleration:
0 px/s2
0 px/s2
Max Acceleration:
0 px/s2
Movement Horizontal (X):
0 px
0 px
Movement Vertical (Y):
0 px
To measure the speed and acceleration of the mouse, simply move the mouse across the screen on this page. To reset the maximum values, press the button in the upper right corner of the test.

Mouse speed settings in the system are relative and, depending on the hardware, so the final mouse speed may differ. This test will help you choose the settings so that when you change the mouse, you could keep the real mouse speed and acceleration on the same level as before.

What do all numbers mean in the context of this test:
