Scroll speed test

Place cursor over the test field below to start scroll test.

Works only with computer mouse wheel or laptop touchpad.

Do you want to know how fast you can scroll? Find it out right now with this simple scroll speed test.

Why do you need a scroll speed test?

  1. To check your scrolling skills here. Some games or game mechanics are built around fast scrolling.
  2. To test your mouse. Scroll speed varies from mouse to mouse and can be modified on some models.
  3. To have fun or blow off some steam.

How to check scroll speed

In case you still can’t figure it out 😅:

  1. Visit
  2. Find and click Scroll Speed Test in menu
  3. Put your cursor in the test field and scroll as fast as you can
  4. Your scroll speed will be shown in the test field as well as your maximum speed in the current attempt.

If you used some other scroll speed tests before you may have different results in this one, especially if you use Firefox or some old browser. This test is set to register 100 pixels per one scroll portion in all browsers.
